It’s minus degrees here in southern Michigan.
It’s cold.
People can’t stop talking about it.
It’s so cold.
I’m not going outside, they say.
What world are they living in?
I see it as a momentary affirmation (however wildly delusional)
That the globe is not heating up so fast.
Bring on zero.
Bring on minus four.
Put on another layer of wool.
Isn’t this just great.
Do they not remember that
There are no layers you can take off when it is 110 degrees Fahrenheit?
That air conditioning is a terrible weight on our children’s futures?
I’m putting on my hat and my gloves and my coat and my scarf
And I am enjoying a delusional moment,
Joining my many super-delusional humans
Who worry not , it seems, about the causes of extreme drought, extraordinary winds, rising oceans, melting ice, or starving polar bears.
Who worry, it seems, about a little nip in the air.